Read our Board of Trustees letter to the community here.
The library team is working hard to to reopen our library with a phased approach. The health and safety of our patrons and staff are our top priority as we move towards reopening our building. Please understand that each phase may be reevaluated to adhere to the latest orders from the state, recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC, service demand, staffing capacity, availability of PPE and disinfecting materials, and the current situation at hand.
*We are currently in PHASE 3
PHASE 1 – Building closed to the public with Contactless Curbside Pickup and Delivery available. (Began 5/19/2020)
- Building closed to the public. Due dates will be extended and fines waived. Books may be returned, but feel free to take your time!
- Contactless Curbside Pickup available. Click here for scheduling information.
- New library card registration online. Click here for more information.
- Story time and virtual programming available on our Facebook page.
- Book Delivery available for senior and at risk residents. Call 603-269-3900.
- Ebooks and audio books available on Libby with library card access.
- Take and Make projects available on free shelf at rear entrance of library.
- Free books, DVDs and magazines available on free shelf.
- Copies and faxes by appointment. Call 603-269-3900 to arrange.
- WiFi access from library parking lot. (Please remain in your car.)
- Meeting Room is not available for public use.
- Donations not currently being accepted.
PHASE 2 – Limited building access, hours and services (Begins 7/14/2020)
- Contactless Curbside Pickup and Delivery will continue. We ask that you take advantage of these services as much as possible.
- Limited access for browsing, copy and fax services, and computer use between the hours of 12pm and 6pm Tuesday-Friday.
- Access will be by appointment only. We will be limited to 10 people at a time with 20 minute appointments. Masks will be required to enter the building and social distancing rules must be observed. Seating will not be available at this time.
- In order to ensure access to as many patrons as possible, we will ask that you try to limit visits to one person per household. The Children’s area will remain closed. Staff will retrieve materials from the Children’s collection for check out.
- Please continue to drop book returns in the drop box outside. We will not be accepting them at the front desk.
- Take and Make projects, Libby, WiFi access and virtual programming will continue.
- Meeting Room is not available for public use.
- The Free Shelf will continue to be filled, but we ask that you keep your donations. We are not accepting them at this time.
- Things we will continue to ask you to do via email, phone or online: Ask questions, ask for book recommendations, apply for a library card, ask for assistance with Libby or your card.
- Safety Measures in place for PHASE 2:
- Books will continue to be quarantined
- Staff will wear masks
- Patrons will be required to wear masks and sanitize hands upon entering building
- The circulation desk has plastic screening and a plexiglass sneeze guard. The scanner will be placed outside the screen so patrons may scan their own books to minimize contact
- Doors will be locked and a staff member will let people in at their appointed time
- Traffic will be one way, patrons will enter side door (near circulation desk) and exit through the parking lot door. Patrons who require handicap access can notify staff when they schedule their appointment
- Surfaces will be sanitized between appointments and cleaned in the evenings according to CDC guidelines
- IF YOU FEEL SICK please use library services safely from home!
PHASE 3 – Expanded building access and services. (4/6/21)
- Contactless Curbside Pickup and Delivery will continue with reduced hours. Curbside will be available from 10:30-12:30 on Tuesday – Wednesday and 12:30-2:30 on Thursday – Friday.
- Library will open to the public for limited hours. Hours will be 12-6 Tuesday – Wednesday, 2-8 Thursday and 5-8 Friday. Senior only hours will be between 2 and 5 on Friday.
- Capacity will be limited to 6 patrons at a time, with social distancing guidelines in effect.
- Computer use, faxing and copying will be done by appointment. Please call 603-269-3900.
- The Children’s area will remain closed to the public during the week. Staff will be happy to retrieve materials from this area for you. Twenty-minute appointments to browse the children’s area on Saturdays between 10am and 1pm can be made for family groups of 5 or less.
- Seating will not be available. We ask that you use the library for selecting and checking out books at this time and do not gather in the building. Please keep your visit to 30 minutes or less so we can make sure everyone has an opportunity to use the library.
- Please continue to drop book returns in the drop box outside. We will not be accepting them at the front desk.
- Take and Make projects, Libby, Wi-Fi access and virtual story hour will continue. There are plans to begin some outdoor programming starting in May.
- Meeting Room and kitchen remain unavailable for public use.
- Restrooms remain closed to the public.
- The Free Shelf will continue to be filled, but we ask that you keep your donations. We are not accepting them at this time.
- Things we will continue to ask you to do via email, phone or online: Ask questions, ask for book recommendations, apply for a library card, ask for assistance with Libby or your card.
- Safety Measures in place for PHASE 3:
- Staff will wear CDC approved masks
- Patrons will be required to wear CDC approved masks and sanitize hands before entering building
- If we reach our capacity limits, doors will be locked, and a sign will be placed on the door. Once patrons leave the library, staff will unlock the door and allow new patrons to enter.
- Traffic will be one way; patrons will enter side door (near circulation desk) and exit through the parking lot door. Patrons who require handicap access can notify staff and they will be let in through the parking lot door.
- Surfaces will be sanitized every two hours and cleaned in the evenings.
- IF YOU FEEL SICK please use library services safely from home!
PHASE 3a – (Beginning 4/26)
- All Phase 3 Safety measures remain in place. Masks will continue to be required in the building.
- Capacity limits will remain in place but will expand slightly to allow for patrons using the children’s area.
- Library hours will change as follows:
- In-person visits (for browsing and checkout only): Tuesday-Wednesday 10am-6pm, Thursday 12pm-8pm, Friday 5pm-8pm, Saturday 10am-1pm
- Senior Visiting Hours: Friday 2pm-5pm
- Curbside Pickup: Friday 12pm-5pm
- The Children’s Area will reopen for browsing and checkout during in-person visit hours.
- Appointments are no longer required for faxing/copying or computer use. Only one computer station will be available for use and time limits will remain at 20min per person.
- We ask that you use the library for selecting and checking out books at this time and do not gather in the building. Seating and toys remain unavailable. Please keep your visit to 30 minutes or less so we can make sure everyone has an opportunity to use the library.
- Outdoor, in-person programming will begin the first week of May. Programs will be socially distanced, (masks are recommended for patrons over age 5).
- The Meeting Room remains closed to the public.
- One restroom will be open to the public during programming only.
PHASE 4 – Open but restricted (Begins 6/15)
- Library will be open regular hours with possible capacity restrictions.
- We will continue to offer pickup in the building. Patrons can email or call with their request and we will notify them when their order is available at the desk.
- Outdoor programming will continue, with the possibility of some smaller programs to be held indoors.
- Mask use in the building will follow current CDC guidelines.
- Seating will be available in the adult area of the building with appropriate distancing. Seating will remain restricted in the children’s area and toys will remain unavailable for now.
- Computers will continue to be limited to one available computer station and one laptop that can be used at a different location in the library.
- Meeting room use will gradually become available to small groups with social distancing guidelines in place.
PHASE 5 – Back to the “new normal”! (TBA)
- Library services, programming, hours and meeting room use will return to regular use.
- Delivery services will continue to be offered to seniors and at risk residents whenever possible.