
new ya

Here are some links to teen book awards:

Islinglass Teen Read Award Booklist selected by New Hampshire students in grades 7 & 8.

The Flume is a Teen Choice Award program.

Here are some online resources for Teens:

Our Test Prep Links Page

K-8 Site Barnstead Elementary School

Prospect Mountain High School

Teen Ink  A national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing, art, photos and forums.

Teen Reads A site dedicated to book lovers providing a forum to discover and share commentary about the books and authors they enjoy.

Yabookscentral.com keeps up to date tabs on young adult books.

Young Adult Library Services of New Hampshire informs teens about conferences, writing opportunities, and writing awards.

Ipl.org for teens is a support site for teens that provides information on everything from homework assistance to procrastination, to “Frequently Asked Embarassing Questions (FAEQS)”

Pacer.org is a support site for teen issues across the spectrum.  Whether you are looking for support or want to be supportive, pacer.org can help.

Quintcareers.com offers assistance in finding work, careers, and higher education for the teen who wants to be prepared.


CitationMachine can help make citations in your papers.

On This Date in History

Virtual Frog Dissection Kit

For updates on our YA programs and events, be sure to follow OFML Teen Advisors on Facebook and check out our Instagram and YouTube channel!